BlogOnline learning - for or against or a new point of viewIn the age when authors create digital art and scientists talk not only about the impact of digital literacy on human life and society, but also about the existence of a digital divide between individuals, ethnicities and continents, we reflect on a topic that causes a lot of discussion and different opinions - the topic of the online learning. In this text, we will try to look at online learning from a new perspective that does not focus only on its advantages and disadvantages, but on its necessity in today's digital world. Just as people in ancient times realised that they had to learn to read before they could read to learn, today we realise that we need to become digitally literate before we enter the digital world. Needless to say, like any new beginning, and this is the beginning of a new era in the development of humanity, many of us are sceptical. Let's remember how history repeats itself and how the same thing happened when they started printing the books. Pessimists have pointed out only the possibilities of their negative influence, since the spread of all kinds of ideas with a less than noble purpose turned out to be easy and widely available. Optimists have realised that this way, many more people will have access to knowledge and it will spread widely, as well as develop at a much faster rate. Both the pessimists and the optimists had their reasons, but only time has shown that the goodwill of the people prevails. So instead of getting into arguments, we choose to think about how to overcome the challenges of online learning and how to implement it in the education of the 21st century. |