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Is online learning necessary?

We will approach this question from the perspective of what a person needs to survive and thrive in a given environment. Although survival and prosperity are two different concepts that require different strategies and resources, they all require a person to adapt to the environment, using his skills, knowledge and abilities to get the best out of it.

Our ancestors, who lived in the forests and hunted and gathered their food, had to learn certain skills from their elders and peers, such as what plants were edible and where to find them, how to recognise and avoid danger, how to build shelters and tools, etc. These skills were essential for their survival and well-being in their natural habitat.

Today, we have the option to live like our distant ancestors, but very few of us do. Instead, we live in a highly technological and globalised society, where we face different challenges and opportunities. Therefore, we need to ask ourselves: "What should we learn and what skills should we develop if we want to succeed and flourish in this society?"

If the answer to this question involves digital literacy, online communication, collaboration, critical thinking, responsibility, creativity, etc., then online learning becomes a valuable and convenient tool that can help us achieve our goals. Online learning offers us countless opportunities to connect with the best experts and access the most innovative ideas, while choosing our own time ,place and pace of learning in a stress-free environment.

Online learning is not only necessary, but inevitable in the digital world. We cannot ignore the fact that technology is changing every aspect of our lives, from communication to entertainment, from work to leisure. We cannot afford to be left behind by the rapid pace of innovation and progress. We need to adapt and learn new skills that will help us thrive in the digital environment. Online learning is one of the most effective ways to do that.

Online learning is not a replacement for traditional learning, but a complement to it. It is not a threat to teachers or schools, but an opportunity for them. It is not a fad or a trend, but a reality and a necessity. Online learning is here to stay and we should embrace it as a valuable tool for our personal and professional development.